2021 Taxable Payments Annual Report Reminder
Posted: 21 July 2021

2021 Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) due 28th August.
The ATO have expanded the list of industries that are required to lodge a TPAR report so if you are on of the below industries please ensure you have either lodged the TPAR report yourself or contacted us to organise lodgement by the due date of the 28th August.
Building and Construction Services
Cleaning Services
Courier Services
Road Freight Services
Information Technology (IT) services
Security, Investigation or surveillance services
Mixed services (a business that provides one or more of the services listed above)
This report contains details about payments that are made to contractors for providing services. Contractors can include subcontractors, consultants and independent contractors. They can be operating as sole traders, companies, partnerships or trusts.
The details you need to report about each contractors are ABN, their name and address, and gross amount you paid them for the 2021 financial year.
If you would like assistance from McAdam Siemon Business Advisors in completing or lodging your TPAR report than please contact us ASAP so we can ensure lodgement by the due date.